Daniel Hatchell


Specializes in energy and climate modeling with a focus on oil and gas, greenhouse gas emissions, and subsurface topics.

Dr. Hatchell has significant experience in subsurface modeling, CO2 capture and storage, and enhanced oil recovery (EOR). His work focuses on energy and climate modeling with a specialty in oil and gas, greenhouse gas emissions, and subsurface topics. He has used ECLIPSE and CMG to model subsurface deployment of CO2 for EOR and storage, as well as MATLAB-based streamline simulations to quickly screen and forecast large oilfield datasets.

Dr. Hatchell has also conducted laboratory research on a variety of energy-related topics, including synthesizing and modeling nanoparticle-stabilized emulsions for EOR, generating temperature- and salt-resistant CO2 foams for EOR and storage, and developing amine solvents for CO2 capture systems. He holds a Ph.D. in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin.

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